Scientific Presentation

Scientific Presentation Skills

Digital course format: Participants will have online video material and assignments sent to them weeks prior to a 4-hour workshop in presentation skills. The online assignments (presentation practice and digital presentations to prepare) will be sent to peers and trainer for feedback. Participants will have access to online video material. Total workload: 11 hours (4.5 in video material, 4 in in-person training, 2.5 in preparations and additional assignments).  

Summary: The ability to present scientific research is a skill that some have, but others need to hone. This course will provide participants with practical knowledge to better structure and deliver their scientific research. Furthermore, this course will work on presentation skills that will prepare students to present not only research content, but also themselves. We will blend practice and theory on the key elements to present in a way that leans into your own style of presenting and caters to an audience. Participants will be required to prepare a 3-minute presentation (3 slides max) of their current work. This presentation will be sent to a small group of participants to get feedback and performed live. This course will help participant’s present confidently and effectively to a diverse audience.  

Methods: Voice and body language training, filler reduction, techniques to overcome nervousness, storytelling through presenting, connecting/maintaining a connection to an audience, fielding questions, trainer feedback, and digital presentations